The CFN debated the future of regional policy post-Brexit, led by Philip McCann and supported by Olivier Sykes, Phil, O’Brien and Dave Thew, Their papers can be read here.
London and the Wider South East Region
The Common Futures Network has partnered with the Centre for Cities to promote a national conversation on the governance of London and the Wider South East region through round- table and seminar discussions (see links to seminar papers below). The outcome of the seminar and roundtable will be taken forward over the coming year. All related documents can be found in the documents folder in City Regional Frameworks folder.
Industrial Strategy Response by NCF
The NCF has submitted its response to the Government on its Green Paper consulting on the scope and content of its proposed Industrial Strategy. To download document to go to Documents Library – Common Futures Network Documents Sub-folder.
NIC Consultations
CFN has submitted its views on the NIC consultations. The latest on the Report Congestion, Capacity & Carbon, identifies the NIC’s approach to priorities. To download the CFN response to go to Documents Library – Common Futures Network Documents Folder.